RKD Series


RKD Series


The series of Gerson Digital is a translated, critically annotated and illustrated edition of Horst Gerson's Ausbreitung und Nachwirkung der holländischen Malerei des 17. Jahrhunderts (Dispersal and After-Effect of Dutch Painting of the 17th Century, 1942/1983), supplemented with new articles on artistic exchange and transnational mobility of artists from the Low Countries in the early modern period. So far, the following volumes have been published:

Vol. 1: Gerson Digital : Poland (2013/2014)
Vol. 2: Gerson Digital : Denmark (2015)
Vol. 3: Gerson Digital : Germany I (2017/2018)
Vol. 4. Gerson Digital : Germany II (2018)
Vol. 5: Gerson Digital : Italy (2019)
Vol. 6: Masters of Mobility (2020)
Vol. 7: Gerson Digital : Britain (2022)
Vol. 8: The Big Picture (2022)
Vol. 9: Going South (2023)
Vol. 10: Close Encounters (2024)
Vol. 11: Gerson Digital : Sweden (2024)
